We offer a number of training programmes for the benefit of the corporate sector. The programs are designed to help government , public and private business organizations to enhance their competence, competitiveness , performance, productivity and profitability.
For any organizations to grow and to keep pace with current needs and challenges of Industry employee performance is must. To align the employee performance as per the organizational mission training plays a pivotal role. Training improves potency of employees and ultimately helps the organizations to surge ahead with immense confidence to face competition. Aligned with organizational needs KIHRD provides corporate training across the sectors in the areas of
- Human resources development & performance Management
- Inter personal skill development
- Managing Professional & Social roles- Exclusively for women.
- Communication skills
- Customer services (Sales & services)
- Technical training (Automobile)
- Spare parts Management in Logistics and SCM
- Dealership management
Training conducted by KIHRD:
I.Workshop on Customer Delight – Strategies and Innovations:
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To understand the basics of relationship based selling.
To understand the various types of relationships styles.
To identify and understand various strategies’ and innovations in selling skills
Take Aways:
Recognize their and customer’s relationship building style.
Understanding the buying language of the customers.
Create a step by step consultative selling process.
Eliminate their frustrations and stress when it does not go their way.
Qualify their prospects more effectively.
Exceed their sales target and learing to be more productive against their targets.
Topics Covered:
Module on the customer relationship building skill, learn and practice more customer delight strategies and look forward for the sales from the referrals, relationship style matrix, Skill Practice session Discussion on learning outcome and sales situations, Managing automobile sales in retail environment,The 7 Cs of automobile selling.
6 Secrets of successful a sales manager ,How to eliminate frustration in automobile sales
Rajmatrix – Golf Hole, Telephone Booth, Rail,Track, Honey Bee.
Demonstration of automobiles – 3 Techniques,Delivery of automobiles – moments of truth
CRM – Keeping in touch with customers
Participants practice the techniques by role play
How to:
– Identity the style of a prospect
– Identify the real needs and wants of a prospect
– Flex style to build rapport with the prospects
Profile of the resource Person:
Dr. B. Raj is an experienced Sales & Marketing professional & trainer. His background in the retail environment includes diverse roles in areas of auto-finance and automobile dealership management. He has mastered numerous sales and marketing positions in Non-Banking Finance and automotive industry. His passion for helping automobile manufacturers and dealers to get a better return on their investments in human capital has resulted in development of a variety of products and services offered to our clients. He has been associated with leading business schools as adjunct/visiting professor of marketing for the last seventeen years. Renowned for mastery of his subjects and for his charisma as a Teacher & Trainer, he has carved a niche for himself through seminars, workshops, and lectures on “Understanding Consumers”, “The Customer’s Buying language”, “Building & Maintaining Relationships”, “The third side of the coin”, “Rajmatrix” and “The Seven Cs”. He has been also associated with various colleges and universities in North America. A number of organizations have benefited from his services via intensive in-house training. With wide range of talents, skills and hands-on experience in specialized areas, he imparts training with a different approach and the latest in training techniques.
He has done a detailed research at doctoral level in the area of CRM, and has developed training modules (business process & management techniques) for companies to enable them to address the emerging needs and lifestyles of their customers. He has presented his research paper on CRM at 2nd annual Conference on marketing research at IIM-Ahmedabad.
II. Workshop on Spare Parts Management conducted by CII:
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About CII:
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the growth of industry in India, partnering industry and government alike through advisory and consultative processes. With 64 offices in India, 9 overseas in Australia, Austria, China, France, Germany, Japan,
Singapore, UK, and USA, and institutional partnerships with 223 counterpart organizations in 90 countries, CII serves as a reference point for Indian industry and the international business community.
About CII- Institute of Logistics:
To address the need of sharpening India Inc’s competitive edge through better Logistics and Supply Chain practices, CII Institute of Logistics (CIL) was established in 2004 by the Confederation of Indian Industry as a Center of Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chain.
At CII Institute of Logistics we create a platform for the Industry to gain more insights into the emerging trends, industry specific problems of national importance and global best practices in logistics & supply chain management. We enable the industry to cut down the transaction cost, increase efficiency, and enhance profitability and enable to sensitize and bring solutions to macro level issues.
Need :
The automotive aftermarket for parts in India is a large and growing market that spans manufacturers, distributors, retailers, service providers and garages. Currently worth INR 19,000 crore to INR 24,000 crore, the market has been growing at 11 per cent, and is estimated to reach INR 39,000 crore to INR 44,000 crore by 2015. Surprisingly, the market roughly comprises of 30% spurious parts. After-sales service is a high margin business and accounts for a large chunk of company’s profits.
Mode of Conducting:
The content delivery will be through PowerPoint Presentations, Video Clippings and Case Studies. Participants will be encouraged to solve practical case studies, which will hone-up their analytical, managerial, and presentation skills.
Who Should Attend?
Operational level and Middle level personnel, after Sales team, Spare parts management team, Warehouse Managers, Buyers, Procurement team members from Corporate
companies, Executives from supply chain, Imports, procurement, purchase, and materials functions.
This Training Program is designed to introduce the key concepts and to brief on the best practices followed elsewhere.
III. Effective Communication
A 40 hour online course on “Effective Communication” was organized for Popular Vehicles & services Employees.
A Course on Effective Communication has been designed for learners who need to hone communication skills and use English for real life situations. It is going to be needs based course which would have initially a three day workshop cum diagnostic test in all the language skills. The analysis of the diagnostic test is done to continue with the online classes , review session. It is specially designed to accommodate learners with various levels of English language proficiency, and guide them towards the level that they are aspiring to. This course will introduce the learner to basic communication in speaking and writing. Along with the English language communication skills we felt it is necessary to influence the learners regarding the importance of attitude and soft skills. S the major focus being on the development of English language communication skills, the learners are introduced to the importance of soft skills like interpersonal skills , leadership skills and etiquette.
After a breath of online teaching / Learning process , the instructors are supposed to conduct a face to face review session to gauge the learning process and to conduct a live learning session once again. The philosophy of the course is to give ample personal space to the learner and make him/her comfortable with the teaching / learning and continuously facilitate their skills. The exposure session during the online classes is supposed to give adequate opportunity to get in contact with the usage of correct English. The lecture Session again delivers the content and understanding of the topic of discussion. The exercises during the end of the online session would serve as self assessment tools. Thus, we are going to implement learner centric , inductive method of learning.
The final assessment is culmination of everyday assessment starting from diagnostic test to the final examination. Thus the certificate carry at the end of the course ensure your ability to use English in real life situation without hesitation, your ability to behave with manners and your awareness about the etiquette and overall your boosted self confidence
IV. Managing professional and social role- Exclusively for women.
Click here to download brochure
Indian labour market has witnessed a dramatic turn around after globalization. The impact of roles played by women leaders across the board is commendable. The traits of women like patience and persistence have helped them to come a long way in their professional career. However, In a transitioning society like India, where the traditional roles of women is assumed as home makers and caretakers are deeply entrenched the work effecting in imbalance of professional and social life of women and in turn. This workshop is an attempt to enrich a career focused women in facing this dilemma and give away insights to handle these challenges.
Major studies and review of literature proves that 53% of Indian women undergo huge stress and struggle to maintain equilibrium between professional and social life. Cause of concern of this stress could be ever increasing demands of organizations Vs never ending commitment towards family. This workshop aims at addressing these challenges of women and solutions to resolve it.
This workshop is focused on understanding and addressing the challenges of maintaining equilibrium between professional life and social life.
- To understand pulls and pushes between profession and family.
- To address the challenges and solutions to maintain equilibrium between professional life and social life
Take away’s
- Courage and confidence to face challenges of professional and social life.
- Guidance to face dilemmas of Career and decision making
- Encourages to take up multiple roles in profession and also to maintain multiple roles in social life.