B.Voc Induction Ceremony

//B.Voc Induction Ceremony

Kuttukaran Institute has launched the programmes of Bachelors of Vocational and conducted Induction ceremony in the domains of Automobiles and travel & Tourism under the Banner of Tata Institute of social sciences – School of Vocational education on 21st July, 2016. This occasion is graced by Mr. R. Balachandran, Founder Chairman & Director of SB Global Educational Resources Pvt Ltd -Vertical anchors of Travel & Tourism and Ms. Meena Goel, Principal Consultant, Ma Foi Connecting Dots Advisory Pvt. Ltd – Vertical anchors of Automobile.

During this Induction ceremony, Eminent speakers spoke on importance of Vocational education and its scope towards employability. Ceremony concluded with Oath taking ceremony graced by Mr. Thomas Stephen, COO of PVS & Director of KIHRD.